Benefits of Methi seeds / Fenugreek seeds


Benefits of methi seeds in Hyper cholesterolemia 
Fenugreek seeds help in reducing cholesterol. Fenugreek when soaked and consumed, helps in lowering the blood cholesterol levels, specially the LDL cholesterol. The soluble fiber galactomannan in methi seeds attaches itself to the clots, cholesterol and fat cells that adhere to the blood vessels and block the blood passage. It then forms a gel with these substances and helps in de-attaching them from the surface of the walls of blood vessels and eliminating them from the body. Hence fenugreek seeds help in preventing cardiac ailments like atherosclerosis and strokes.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • Soak methi seeds overnight in little water. Gulp these seeds on empty stomach in the morning.
  • Use methi powder. Mix it with warm water in a glass and drink this every morning on empty stomach.
2] Benefits of Methi seeds in weight loss
Methi seeds should be soaked overnight and then sprouted to avail maximum fibre from the seeds. The galactomannan fiber swells up upon entering the stomach and leaves you with a feeling of satiety. This suppresses your appetite and helps in controlling quantity of food intake. The fiber in methi seeds helps in weight loss by regularizing the release of blood sugars and helps in preventing sugar spikes in blood; hence you can control your hunger and cravings for eating junk food.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • Soak methi seeds overnight in little water and leave it for sprouting . Gulp these sprouted  seeds on empty stomach in the morning.
  • Use methi powder. Mix it with warm water in a glass and drink this every morning on empty stomach.
  • You can add methi seeds while seasoning your veggies .
3] Benefits of Methi seeds for Breast feeding mothers
Fenugreek contains Diogenes, a naturally occurring steroid saponin that facilitates and increases the milk production in nursing mothers. Fenugreek seeds contain good amount of vitamins and minerals which helps in good growth of the feeding infant.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • You can chew on soaked methi seeds or gulp them down with water.
  • Mix the powder of methi seeds with some fennel seeds and mishri (small crystallized sugar lumps ) and have 1 tsp of t his mix twice a day along with a glass of milk.
] Benefits of methi seeds during Menstrual cycles and in PMS 
Fenugreek is considered a good emmenagogue. Emmenagogue is an herb which encourages menstrual is extremely beneficial for those who suffer oligommenorrhea (infrequent or light menses). It is also beneficial to those women who have obstructed blood flow during menses and have severe pelvic or abdominal pain because of this reason. Fenugreek helps in opening up the obstruction and increasing the blood flow during menses.
Fenugreek seeds also contain phytoestrogen and isoflavones. Phytoestrogen along with Diogenes help in relieving the menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, mood swings, stomach cramps and depression.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • Gulp soaked / raw methi seeds with water.
  • Mix methi seeds powder with twice the quantity of carom seeds (ajwain), roast in a little ghee, and mix equal amount of sugar and consume it hot.
 Benefits of Methi seeds in controlling blood sugar levels and Diabetes
Fenugreek seeds are beneficial in both types I and type II diabetes. In type I diabetes fenugreek helps by lowering the blood sugar absorption rate. The fiber galactomannan helps in slowing the absorption of sugar from the blood stream and hence keeps the sugar levels at bay. It  helps in avoiding unnecessary sugar hikes in the blood. Owing to this benefit, acute episodes of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia can be avoided. In type II diabetes, Fenugreek seeds help by eliminating the instance of urine sugar. Fenugreek seeds contain 4- hydroxyisoleucine amino acids that are required for insulin formation.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • Soak methi seeds overnight in little water. then leave it for sprouting . Gulp these sprouted  seeds on empty stomach in the morning.
  • Use methi powder. Mix it with warm water in a glass and drink this every morning on empty stomach.
  • You can add methi seeds while seasoning your veggies, dals and kadhi preparations.
] Benefits of Methi seeds in Constipation
Fenugreek seeds are rich in fiber and help in providing bulk to the stools. Fenugreek seeds help in chronic constipation and painful evacuation problems. It has smooth mucilage which helps in easy excretion of waste.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • Soak methi seeds overnight in little water. then leave it for sprouting . gulp these sprouted  seeds on empty stomach in the morning.
  • Use methi powder. Mix it with warm water or with milk  in a glass and drink this mix every morning on empty stomach.
 Benefits of methi seeds in skin problems
Fenugreek seeds helps in reducing skin inflammation. This ability of methi seeds is owed to its antioxidants. When a smooth paste of fenugreek seed powder with curd is applied on skin, it helps in lightening the skin complexion and also removes the blemishes and scars. Fenugreek seeds help in improving skin by removing the wrinkles, pimples and blackheads and by preventing further breakouts.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • Grind methi seeds in a course powder. Use these seeds as a scrub to wash your face along with a little gram flour (besan). It helps in exfoliating the dead skins and blackheads from skin surface leaving the skin smooth and glowing.
  • Mix methi seeds powder with curd and apply as a mask. Keep it for 10 minutes and then wash off the face when you feel the stretch. This will help in curing wrinkles and lose skin.
 Benefits of Methi seeds help in resolving hair problems
Fenugreek seeds should be powdered and mixed with curd. after soaking it for some time , this hair mask should be applied thoroughly on scalp and hair. Fenugreek application on scalp helps in getting rid of dandruff problem. Applying fenugreek hair mask helps in moisturizing the dull dry hair and the hair becomes smooth and shiny. Fenugreek seeds are most helpful when it comes to hair loss troubles. applying the above mentioned fenugreek seed powder and curd hair mask 3 times a month will help in considerably lowering the hair fall and hair loss. Fenugreek also encourages the formation of new hair from the root bud.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • Mix methi seeds powder in curd and soak it for sometime.  Apply this mix as hair mask. Cover the scalp, roots and lengths for over all benefits.
  • Mix methi seed powder with ginger extracts or ginger juice. Apply this mix on scalp to initiate the growth of new hair buds from roots.
9] Fenugreek seeds help in prevention of colon cancer
Fenugreek contains a good combination of photo-chemical and nutrients that goes a long way in preventing colon cancer. Fenugreek contains diosgenin, a steroid saponin; it also contains hemicelluloses, mucilage and pectin. These inhibit the re-absorption of bile salts in the colon.The fiber in fenugreek seeds binds all the components in the colon that may cause harm to the colon lining or those who possess a greater threat and may be carcinogenic. It then helps in excretion and elimination of these wastes.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • Soak methi seeds overnight in little water. then leave it for sprouting . Gulp these sprouted  seeds on empty stomach in the morning.
  • Use methi powder. Mix it with warm water or with milk  in a glass and drink this mix every morning on empty stomach.
10] Methi seeds help in cases of acid re flux, o esophageal irritation and sore throats
The mucilage in fenugreek works best when it comes to coating the inner lining of throat, esophagus and stomach. Thus helps the inner lining against acid attacks and protects it preventing further damage or ulcer formations.
How to consume methi seeds to avail this benefit ?
  • Soak methi seeds overnight in little water and leave it for sprouting . Gulp these sprouted  seeds on empty stomach in the morning.
A Word of Warning:
  • Too much of fenugreek seeds are not advised during pregnancy as it has a strong effect on the female reproductive system and may lead to abnormal bleeding or staining. In certain cases gastrointestinal discomfort was reported after large quantity of fenugreek seeds were eaten.
  • The only side effect seen in people taking high doses of fenugreek is mild gastrointestinal distress. Fenugreek is not recommended during pregnancy because it may lead to miscarriage due to its strong effect on the female reproductive system.
Benefits of methi seeds are truly magical when used in the right way. If you have any doubts or queries regarding methi seeds, please leave a comment below and we will get back to you with an answer to it.


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