
Showing posts from September, 2017

Benefits Of Jeera

  Jeera or cumin seeds– the quintessential Indian spice is an addition to a number of dishes; be it Dal or as tempering for a dish. But did you know that originally Indians added this spice to their dish, not only for its wonderful flavor and aroma, but also for the number of health benefits it has. This spice can help improve digestion, beat insomnia and even help with your sex life. So, here are 10 ways jeera adds to the healthy quotient of yo ur daily meal. Benefit 1: Improves digestion The presence of thymol and other essential oils in cumin seeds stimulate the salivary glands thereby helping in the digestion of food. Apart from this, it strengthens a sluggish digestive system. Hence, if you do suffer from indigestion try drinking some jeera tea. Apart from that this  jeera-banana combo can help you lose weight too . Tip:   Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds to a glass of water and bring it to a boil. Once the water turns brown, turn off the gas and cover the vessel. A

175 Healthy Habits

                                                             Every day you make choices. Those choices create your thoughts and actions. Your thoughts and actions develop your habits. And your habits define your life. If you examine many of the activities of your day, you’ll see they are actually good and bad habits you’ve developed over the years. Some of them were developed in childhood through lessons and instructions from your parents — like tying your shoes, brushing your teeth before bed, and combing your hair. Other habits are created through our general life experiences, our work, influences from friends and peers, and social expectations. Even  bad habits  can be picked up from the influence of others. We start smoking so we can fit in with our friends. We watch too much TV because our parents did. We spend too much time on Facebook because we want to connect. Once the behavior is repeated enough, we create new neural pathways in our brains to make the habit a